
2021 a very successful year !


Despite continued disruption from the Pandemic to both Training & Competition the group performed extremely well on a multitude of fronts. I will leave the results speak for themselves through the links below. However, as a group  that is not elitist in any way, I don't think I should define success purely in terms of performances in a vast array of different events/competitions. That can easily be defined through the links below.

Success to me as the lead coach of the group has a much broader definition:

- How many athletes are training with the group and keeping themselves Fit (through all 5 fitness components) and healthy?

- How many athletes are in the Sport for the long term and leave the group to go to University still involved in Athletics at whatever level?

- Apart from the above how many athletes use the group for social / friendship purposes whilst working on their fitness?

- Being still in the middle of a Pandemic are we providing an activity / information that boosts, bolsters, makes more resilient, robust our immune systems? Remember a healthy immune system is what will come first, before any vaccination program for future Viruses / Pandemics!

- I am very proud, that as a group, we have kept to the restrictions and have kept our young athletes on the go throughout the Pandemic, despite any "hurdles" sensible or ridiculous that have been put in our way. Throughout the Pandemic we have very much worked on the following with those who have committed to training consistently through the work and messages that we deliver on a daily basis to the group:

Healthy ways to strengthen your immune system
  1. Don't smoke.
  2. Eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables.
  3. Exercise regularly.
  4. Maintain a healthy weight.
  5. If you drink alcohol, drink only in moderation.
  6. Get adequate sleep................Etc etc

- Through sticking closely to the Long Term Athlete Development model a number of benefits continue to be provided to all athletes who are part of the group - Run, Jump, Throw skills are developed for ALL Sports; No event opportunities are missed through late specialisation as opposed to early specialisation; mental / physical burnout risk is reduced due to the variety of our training ...........etc etc etc

- We use an underutilised local training facility and pretty much have it to ourselves most of the time before other groups turn up in the evenings to use it.

I could go on but I will stop there. I am extremely Proud of the successes below which are just a select few of many, but my point is that SUCCESS to me comes in a very vast manner of forms!

The list is far more extensive than the above, but I have to stop somewhere and I just hope our multi-event approach to success is done justice by the above limited selection of performances!

The 2020 T&F season coming to an end!

At one point in time, it didn't look as if there was going to be any opportunity for our young athletes to compete this year, due to the Pandemic. As such, I am very grateful to Trafford AC for all the meetings they have laid on since the beginning of August. Our group have gradually built up their fitness through training since May and as a result a number of PBs were achieved this Summer across a large number of events. As a group which follows the Long Term Athlete Development Model, the highlight was last weekend when our athletes, if they were ready, had the opportunity to do Pentathlons, Heptathlons & Octathlons. Our T&F season will end this coming weekend, strangely in the middle of October, as some of our U11/U13s compete in an Open meeting at Trafford.

The times ahead, with regard to competition are unclear with regard to the Cross Country & Indoor Seasons, but as has been the case over the last 5 months, I will try as lead coach to keep training as close to normality as possible, so that when Competition opportunities present themselves, we are able to get involved and take advantage of them.

I'd like to thank all those who continue to support the group in moving forwards in a positive manner despite all the restrictions, obstacles placed in our way. We will continue to find solutions to problems and will continue to find the reasons to do, as opposed to the excuses not to do. From the very outset it was said that the adverse effects of Lockdown would completely outweight those created by the Pandemic. I will continue to try my very best, for as long as is feasibly possible, to not allow this to be the case for the young people who continue to come along this currently very bumpy athletic journey with the group.

Finally, below are the reports from last weekend's Combined Events Competition. Hopefully, loads of learning took place and an excellent Sporting & Life experience was gained!!

Trafford Combined Events - Day 1 report:
Congratulations to all those who competed out there today. We didn't really discuss the Weather, as there was nothing we could do about it and it was the same for everyone. It was however dire and far from conducive to producing good results.
I was really pleased with the fact that Rhys competed in his first Pentathlon, starting off with his first attempt at Sprint Hurdling. A tough, challenging experience that I think all young Sportsmen should put themselves through.
Harry put in a solid performance across his 4 events on the first day of his Octathlon and will pick things up again tomorrow. There are unfortunately, only four U20 athletes competing, a great shame! H is sat in second place having won both the discus and javelin events on Day 1. He starts tomorrow with the 110m hurdles.
Esther also had a good first day and achieved two PBs in Hurdles & Shot. She continues her heptathlon tomorrow in 4th place and has a good chance of closing in on the top three with 3 of her stronger events!
Molly as, a first year U13, competing for the first time in a Pentathlon, has done outstandingly well. She achieved a PB in her hurdles, gained a points total that is a UK ranking for Pentathlon and I will be submitting the result to SHAC as I believe it to be a Club record as well! Taking into consideration the T&F season that "we have not had", her very limited experience, her age and the conditions, I don't think I have exaggerated in any way by using the word outstanding!
Stewart & I are proud of all our group, including Jacob & Lauren who were there competing in 800s and giving it their all.
Stew & I would like to thank the parent group for their support in achieving such fabulous experiences/memories for our young group of athletes. It was also great to see Jen being an official at the event. No officials = No event, it is as simple as that! So thank you from all our competitors Jen!
Finally, thank you to our official photographer on the day - Joelinho - for the fabulous images from Day 1!
Really looking forward to Day 2!
Trafford Combined Events - Day 2 report:
Esther produced a strong 800m at the end of a gruelling two days of competition to produce a Uk ranking overall points total and finish second in her competition, whilst Harry, with all the changes that come with first time competition as an U20, produced two PBs on his second day. Particularly impressive was the 2 second PB in the 1500m!
Combined Events is a tremendous learning experience from many different perspectives. It is down to the individual to make the changes they need to make to progress further. I think these two young athletes have a lot more progress coming their way, if they are able to continue to learn and change for the better. Congratulations Esther & Hulley from the whole group!

Facemasks for General Public use

During this Lockdown period, when I have been forced into not being able to coach athletics, I took the opportunity to reestablish business contacts from my past.

I am importing face masks, for use by the General Public, from the EU. The Manufacturer’s description of their product is on the attachment below and the facemasks come in a multitude of colours, beyond what is shown.

I currently have a very limited stock, as the demand for the product from the manufacturer is great and the supply is limited, by the fact that the country is in strict Lockdown and their employees cannot get into work. As they come out of lockdown supply will increase and I will have more stock to work with. There are also delays in Transport of the Goods to the UK. Orders can take up to 2 weeks to arrive in the UK.

The Facemasks are washable & re-usable and will be sold on a first come first served basis for £5 GBP. In order for an Order to be placed, an upfront payment needs to be made.

Once a mask is purchased it is non-returnable / non-refundable as it is potentially contaminated through handling and wearing.

If you are interested in purchasing a facemask for every day use please contact me via email:

Stay active, stay well, stay safe.

A Highlights summary of the 2019 Track & Field Season

Stockport Athletics Coaching had a very Successful Outdoor T&F Season in 2019. Below are just some of the many highlights of the season:


  • The group coached 65 young developing athletes over this period of: varying interest; commitment & athletic ability. We remain a Non-elitist training group that is open to all. We continue to use the Long Term Athlete development Model (LTADM) for all our young athletes.
  • 32 members of the group proudly represented their local club Stockport Harriers Athletics Club (SHAC) in both Club & Open Competitions. Even greater numbers competed for their schools at local, regional & national events.
  • As a group our contribution to the two Club competitions (YDL & Cheshire League) was immense and outstanding. Two very good examples: We made up 37% of the Upper Age Group (UAG) team that gained promotion in the Youth development League(YDL) and we made up 35% of the Cheshire League team in the final match, which helped the team finish 4th overall in that league.
  • Due to the LTADM that we follow, our contributions were not just in one specialist event but across the majority of Run, Jump & Throw events.


  • Combined Events: The only 2 U17B Octathletes; 2 out of 3 U15B Pentathletes; The only 2 U17G Heptathletes and 2 U15G Pentathletes come from our group. The LTADM is being adhered to. 
  • Two out of three athletes who have run 800m under 2 mins have come from our group. They are both only 18 years old.
  • The only athletes doing Steeplechase are all from our group – 7 in total.
  • Athletes from the group are the best at SHAC in 40 events across all age groups. This is across a very wide spectrum of Run, Jump & Throw events.


  • Sam Johnson & Luke Farrant under 2min for 800m.
  • Luke Farrant, Evie Wild and Esther Hulley selected for English Schools T&F Championships: Luke Farrant 5th fastest time in 800m and Evie Wild 8th in High Jump.
  • Luke Farrant 3rd in 1500m Northern T&F Championships.
  • Esther Hulley Mason Trophy Champion 2019 U17G Steeplechase.
  • Evie Wild 6th U17G EA Combined Events Nationals & 9th U17G English Schools Combined Events Nationals.
  • Evie Wild, Harry Miller Reedman, Harry Reeder Hirst & Jonah Wall representing Greater Manchester at English Schools CE Nationals.
  • The multitude of UK rankings achieved by individuals during the season.